Seagate Hard Disk Recovery

Seagate has launched a hand-held drive that is much compact and has a capacity to 2.5 to 5 GB. It is a handy device that is circular in shape. The official name that is given to this hard disk drive is ‘Pocket hard disk’. There is no need to power it externally and the power supply is provided by the computer itself. The plug and play USB 2.0 interface provides the connectivity to the computer system.

Surat Data Recovery is specialized in data recovery from Seagate Hard Drives. The various models supported are as follows:
Ajax, Barracuda, Barracuda ATA, Bobcat, Cabo, Cheetah, Cayman, Decathlon, Elite, Hawk, Kiwi, Marathon, Medalist, Momentus, PC Card, Sabre , Savvio, Swift, STE, U series 5, U series X, U4, U6, U8, U10, Wren, Wren Runner.

Models :
ATA 100

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